What causes hair loss in women
Contrary to popular misconception, hair loss is not just a problem for men. Even though women do not experience balding (except in some rare cases), they surely do experience hair loss or hair thinning.
As makers of essential oils for natural black hair and the safest hair colouring solutions, we wish to emphasize that there is no one single cause of hair thinning or hair loss. Many dermato-trichologists usually suggest that people suffering from the problem get tested for a hormonal imbalance or thyroid issue. Other than hereditary factors and an unhealthy diet, there are multiple causes of hair loss among women, some of which are as follows:
The butterfly-shaped thyroid gland present at the base of your neck releases chemicals that shape your metabolism. When you go through a thyroid issue, it either starts creating too much of it or too less, which is followed by signs, like weight gain or loss, changes in the heart rate, and hair loss or thinning.
Alopecia Areata
Alopecia Areata is caused by an irregularity in your immune system, as a result of which, one can also start experiencing hair loss in chunks. However, it is not a permanent problem; so if you go for treatment, you can get rid of the resulting hair loss.
During pregnancy, women have high hormone levels, which keep their hair full and prevent hair strands from falling. However, post-delivery, hormone levels get stabilized and some mothers start to experience significant hair loss.
Tight Hairdos
Hairdos like wearing tightly bound ponytails put additional stress on your scalp and make your hair fall out. Not only that, even harsh, tight rollers or curlers can lead to premature hair loss.
Cancer treatment
When a cancer patient goes through chemotherapies or radiotherapies, they are subject to significant hair loss, as these therapies can damage hair follicles temporarily. However, this type of hair loss has a speedy recovery, once the treatment is complete.
Emotional or Physical Stress
Emotional or physical stress, of any kind, can make you shed a significant amount of hair. It can be anything, be it a serious injury, surgery, trauma, mental health issues or emotional distress.
There are many medical routes that women can take to treat hair loss, like hair transplants, lasers, and medication. Women troubled by hair loss can also opt for organic methods with effective home remedies, such as application of egg whites, onion juice, beetroot juice, aloe vera juice, and green tea. To delve into the specifications of these remedies and how they enhance the health of your hair, simply click here.
You should also oil your hair regularly with a non-sticky natural hair oil and must follow a proper hair care routine, to reduce chances of hair loss. We recommend Brahmol Hair Oil enriched with Amla, which promotes hair growth and prevents hair fall, to make your hair healthy and strong.