Benefits of oiling your hair regularly
Taking proper care of your hair is of utmost importance. Everyone who is particular about their hair health does certain basic things, like washing their hair at least twice a week, conditioning it, and combing it on a regular basis. Other than this, you can style your hair by using a no ammonia hair colour or other hair grooming products, without damaging it. If you don’t follow a proper hair care routine, then you won’t be able to retain its smoothness, shine, and quality in the long term.
However, many people tend to stop paying attention to the importance of regular hair oiling, especially when they live away from their families. Oiling has always been one of the most traditional, effective methods for keeping your hair healthy, since it takes care of your hair in multiple ways. This is exactly why your mother or grandmother used to apply the essential oils for natural black hair regularly, when you were younger.
Here’s how regular oiling can ensure good hair health:
1. Prevents bacterial as well as fungal infections
Residual bacteria present on the dead skin of your scalp, over-exposure to harsh elements, and excess moisture or shampooing are major reasons that cause bacterial and anti-fungal infections. Most hair oils possess anti-fungal as well as anti-bacterial properties. So, regular oiling will prevent fungal or bacterial infections and maintain a perfect balance of moisture for your scalp and hair.
2. Enhances hair growth
Oiling your hair regularly enhances hair growth, by increasing blood circulation to your scalp and vitalizing hair follicles.
3. Prevents hair breakage
If you oil your hair, it strengthens your hair in terms of its tensility, makes your hair less brittle and frizzy, and improves the health of your scalp. So, oiling makes hair easier to manage and prevents hair breakage.
4. Prevents lipid loss
Harsh hair grooming tools, chemical methods, or UV rays lead to lipid loss, which is a hair problem because lipids are essential for retaining the glossiness, strength, and manageability of hair. Fatty acids present in hair oils ensure that the lost lipids in your hair are replaced at regular intervals.
5. Keeps your hair and scalp well-nourished
The health of your scalp is as important as the health of your hair. If you keep both well-nourished, then your hair is in good health, which is exactly what oils do, since oils consist of vitamins and minerals that are essential for good hair health.
6. Prevents dandruff and lice
Lice get attracted to a dry scalp, while dandruff gets attracted to an extremely dry yet sweaty scalp. And, regular hair oiling prevents both these cases, as it reduces dryness and eliminates dead skin.
7. Keeps your hair hydrated
Dry hair is one of the major reasons for hair fall. To avoid this, it is important to ensure you oil your hair at night and then shower the next day, as it keeps your hair well hydrated.
These benefits should be explanatory enough to show how essential it is for you to oil your hair on a regular basis, in order to ensure your hair is in perfect condition.
Vasmol offers a range of oils which suffice different consumer needs:
- Vasmol Black Hair Oil – To prevent early greying of hair
- Vasmol Premium Jasmine Hair Oil – Coconut based hair oil to nourish and style hair
- Vasmol Brahmol Hair Oil – To prevent hairfall, dandruff and promote hair growth
- Vasmol Rootz Almond Hair Oil – To get longer and stronger hair
- Vasmol Yogiraaj Ayurvedic Thanda Tel – a remedy for headaches, fatigue and stress
So, if you want to experiment with your hairdo or love to style your hair every now and then, without compromising on quality, it is a must for you to apply non-sticky natural hair oil properly, at least once a week.