Hair Health - New Year’s Resolutions, 2021
No matter what you do, the mind doesn’t get its share of peace if your body is not fit. A healthy mind requires every aspect of your physical health to be up to the mark.
Hair grooming is one of the most common lifestyle changes that many people experienced since the lockdown began. People have become more self-sufficient now - they prefer to colour their hair at home, apply essential oils for natural black hair, or trim their hair or beard themselves, and basically, look after their overall hair health.
So, if you want to intensify your efforts to keep your hair healthy, this is a great time to set certain hair care goals and make doable New Year’s resolutions accordingly. The beginning of the new year is a perfect time to introspect and figure out what can be done to become a better version of ourselves. As one of the reliable makers of the safest hair colouring solutions and other hair care products, here are some resolution ideas that can definitely set you on the right journey to better hair care:
#1) Avoid harsh styling products
Styling products, like straighteners, dryers, and curling tools, can be harsh on your hair since they expose your hair to too much heat, which can make your hair brittle and rough. So, if you want to keep your hair strong, smooth, and healthy, make it a point that you avoid harsh styling products. And, if you really have to use one from time to time, then use heat protectants regularly.
#2) Consume foods that enhance hair growth
Protein is crucial to hair growth. You should consume foods that enhance hair growth, like eggs, fatty fish, spinach, avocados, sweet potatoes, nuts, and sweet peppers. Having a well-balanced diet is as important as oiling your hair regularly, when it comes to maintaining your hair health. So, eat healthy, keep your hair healthy!
#3) Switch to safe hair care products
Many people often do not pay attention to how some hair products can be unsafe, if they are made by unreliable brands, especially the ones that are infamous for using ammonia or peroxide in their hair colour solutions. So, instead of picking a random colouring product, always choose a brand that offers the safest hair colouring solutions, which means colours with no ammonia or peroxide. These chemical agents can deteriorate the quality of your hair by leading to hair breakage or damage. You can try our Super Vasmol 33 Kesh Kala, which is not only free of chemical agents like ammonia and peroxide but also enriched with the goodness of almond oil, walnut oil, and olive oil.
#4) Pamper your hair with regular oiling
Another promise you should make this year is to treat your hair regularly with a proper, thorough oiling session. Styling your hair is exciting, but if you do not pamper your hair with regular oiling, you won’t be able to maintain your hair health in the long run. Whatever you do to stylize your hair or give it a trendy change, always ensure that you oil your hair with essential oils, like Jasmine coconut hair oil, almond oil, or olive oil. You can try our Vasmol Black Hair Oil, which is a great non-sticky, natural hair oil that’s bound to keep your hair silky, shiny, and healthy.
#5) Wash your hair less frequently
There is a common misconception among many that the more you wash your hair, the better it is for the health of your hair, which is not true. In fact, frequent hair washing strips the natural oils off your hair and leaves you with dry hair strands. So, it’s important to wash your hair less frequently - just 1 or 2 times a week, if possible.
There are several other hair resolution ideas we recommend, e.g. accept your hair as it is, do not get trapped by insecurities related to how your hair looks, and trim any split ends from time to time to enhance hair growth. However, make (and follow through on) the resolutions listed above, that can shape your hair care routine and give you the desired results within this year, but only if you stay consistent and true to them.