Home Remedies to get rid of Dandruff
It doesn’t feel good when you notice flakes of dandruff, (also known as Seborrhoea), on your shoulder while wearing a dark colour, especially when out in public. It is not only a downer but also a hair problem that needs immediate attention. There are several causes of dandruff, like dehydrated or dry scalp, harsh hair brushing, stress, and insufficient use of shampoo. Some of its symptoms include an itchy scalp, prickling skin, and flakiness.
As known widely around the world, many hair care brands claim to create shampoos that can get rid of dandruff, or provide essential oils for natural black hair, or offer exclusive solutions for a specific purpose. There are medical treatments available as well, if the situation gets too severe. Other than these, the most reliable type of dandruff treatment that is practised in varied parts of the world are natural, home remedies. They are not only effective but also easy to follow. Some of the best home remedies that can help you treat dandruff are as follows:
1. Egg Yolk
Egg yolk consists of a vitamin that is responsible for fighting dandruff, called biotin. It also acts as a great, natural hair conditioner. Please ensure your hair and scalp are dry before you begin applying it. Once you’ve applied it long enough, do shield it with a cover bag. And after some time, simply wash your hair with shampoo.
2. Coconut Oil with Lemon Juice
Coconut oil with lemon juice can not only keep your hair nourished, but also help to get rid of dandruff. Just take 2 tablespoons of oil and mix it with some lemon juice. Apply the mix onto your scalp and give yourself a good, long hair massage. After approximately 20 minutes, wash your hair gently with a shampoo. We recommend you try our Vasmol premium Jasmine coconut hair oil along with this.
3. Fenugreek Seeds
Fenugreek seeds are a popular dandruff cure, other than being responsible for lowering blood sugar and boosting testosterone. Simply mix some seeds in a tiny bowl of water and let the seeds soak in the water overnight. The next morning, make a paste by mashing up those seeds, and then add some lemon to it. Apply the mix onto your scalp; after around half an hour, wash your hair gently with shampoo.
4. Garlic
Garlic fights microbes that cause dandruff and is a source of anti-fungal properties. All you need is 1 tablespoon honey and some garlic cloves. Make a paste of these ingredients, and apply it onto your scalp. After leaving it on for 15 minutes, rinse your hair with a good, anti-dandruff shampoo.
5. Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera plays a crucial role in treating skin issues, such as cold sores and burns, and it can also treat dandruff. Take a leaf of an aloe vera plant and collect its gel in a spoon. Mix it with some olive or coconut oil and apply it into your scalp. Leave it in for around an hour, before you wash your hair with a shampoo.
6. Orange Peel
If applied the right way, orange peel can effectively fight dandruff. Grind a few orange peels and some lemon juice to make a paste, and then apply it onto your scalp. After leaving it on for around half an hour, wash your hair with a little anti-dandruff shampoo.
7. Basil Leaves
Basil leaves are also one of the most effective home remedies for fighting dandruff, considering their anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. Take some basil leaves, 2 tablespoons of water and amla powder each, and you need to mix all these items to make a paste. Then, apply it onto your scalp and leave it there for half an hour, followed by a long, gentle hair wash.
8. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar has been known for being incredibly beneficial when it comes to weight loss, insulin sensitivity, constipation, cholesterol, and dandruff. So, you should take 2 cups of apple cider vinegar, and apply it thoroughly onto your scalp. Let it stay for 20 minutes, and then wash your hair with a little anti-dandruff shampoo.
9. Olive oil
Olive oil can be very beneficial for your hair health, as it not only improves the health of your scalp but also fights dandruff. Just apply some olive oil onto your hair and scalp, and then wash your hair with a good, anti-dandruff shampoo after leaving it in for around 10 minutes (or as long as it takes for maximum absorption).
10. Green Tea
Green tea is known to boost the health of your scalp as well as fight dandruff since it has remarkably favourable anti-fungal properties. All you need to do is make hot green tea using 2 bags, and then let it cool. Once it has cooled down, apply it onto your scalp. After leaving it on for approximately 30 minutes, rinse your hair with shampoo.
As a renowned maker of the safest hair colouring solutions and other hair care products, we would like to emphasize that these remedies not only fight dandruff effectively, but also keep your hair and scalp healthy and well-nourished. So, if you’re experiencing any issues with dandruff, no matter to what degree, simply try out any of these natural home remedies and be free from dandruff!