14 Things To Know Before You Colour Your Hair
Colouring your hair can be the best thing you can do to yourself for an instant makeover. However, colouring your luscious locks requires lots of attention, maintenance, and care. Right from choosing the correct hair colour to giving your hair the proper nourishment, you need to be careful enough at each stage.
Are you planning to colour your hair for the first time? Are you afraid of taking the plunge? Worry not, as this blog covers all the pinpoints for a newbie hair colour contender and offers elaborate guidance to make the process absolutely smooth and convenient. Get rid of all the anxieties and colour your hair with utmost comfort following the tips and hacks below.
Tips and Hacks to Colour Your Gorgeous Hair Conveniently
Once you have made up your mind to colour your hair, be prepared for various upcoming stages – talking to an expert, the actual colouring process, and the hair care phase. We will provide pro tips for every single stage, which you can follow easily to flaunt your gorgeous coloured hair.
1. Research a Lot.
If you are planning to colour your hair by yourself, there are multiple things you need to research thoroughly. Prepare yourself with all the necessary knowledge and learn in detail about different hair colour types – chemical free hair colour, herbal hair colour, organic hair colour, and so on. Another thing that you need to consider is the type of colour change you require. Also, several other factors like the expense involved, the required maintenance, number of retouching required, and much more.
2. Talk to Someone Who Has Prior Experience.
If this is the first time for you, it is always better to have a discussion with someone who has prior experience. Have a word or two with an experienced friend, cousin, or aunt, and make the most out of their guidance. Communicate thoroughly and try to know about your hair type, hair texture, colour suitability, etc.
3. Keep in Mind Your Taste and Expectations.
The model can look flawlessly gorgeous in a particular hue. But will the same colour suit your face type, complexion, and personality. Always keep in mind the purpose for which you are colouring your hair. Choose a specific hair colour based on your taste and expectations.
4. Be Prepared for Multiple Attempts.
If you wish to get it done at home, always know that you may have to try multiple times before you get the perfect result. Since you are not a professional and do not have any prior experience in DIY hair colouring, this will take some time. You may have to try several times before you get that final, ravishing finish.
Brave your heart because you may not get the same look that you have been eyeing for so long on your first attempt. More often than not, things may take a different turn, and the shade may look a bit darker or lighter. However, in the upcoming trials, you can definitely achieve a highly-coveted look.
5. Ditch Pop-Art Shades and Go for Subtle Shades.
If you wish your hair colour to stay for long, avoid bright and crazy colours like violet, copper, red, etc. Instead, go for subtle shades. Bright colours always require lots of hair care maintenance. However, you can go easy with subtle and neutral hues. And if you plan to go all black with Super Vasmol 33 Kesh Kala – the best herbal enriched oil based hair colour, know that it will last longer and stronger on your luscious hair.
6. Select the Colour That Complements Your Complexion.
Always opt for a shade that suits your skin complexion. In case you have a warm skin tone, you can go for shades like platinum and chocolate brown. When you have a cool complexion, you can opt for shades like blonde, golden brown, or warm red.
7. Hair Colour Formulation – Permanent or Semi-Permanent
Permanent hair colour is durable and embeds deep within your hair shaft. In such cases, the roots need to be retouched. But the colour lingers longer on the rest of the hair.
Semi-permanent colours are quite good if you are opting for a subtle colour choice. The roots do not require retouching in case of semi-permanent colours.
8. Have Greys? Lighter Shades Will Take Care!
If you are worried about your silver sparkles that keep on peeping from here and there, the best options for you are Vasmol Henna, Vasmol 33 Kali Mehndi, and Super Vasmol Aamla Shakti – the best herbal hair colour. But if you want a bit of a different look, switching to paler shades will be of great help. For instance, blonde helps to camouflage your grey strands quite effortlessly.
And if you are someone who loves to follow the trends, go for blonde highlights. You will definitely fall for the soft, subtle look they render to your hair while hiding the grey hair. No matter which hue you go for, you must always choose ammonia free hair colour brands.
9. Say No to Shampoo Before You Get Your Hair Coloured.
Before colouring your hair, do not wash your hair with shampoo. Shampoo removes the natural oils from the scalp. So, it is always better to wash your hair at least 24 to 48 hours before getting them coloured.
10. Go for an Application Method That Goes Well with Your Hair Type.
The process of colour application depends exactly on the length and texture of your hair. Also, it may vary according to the choice and comfort level of the person. Just make sure that you are separating your locks into sections and then painting them with the desired colour.
11. Hydrating Hair Masks Are Absolutely Your Best Friends.
If you want your hair to look fabulous once you get them coloured, make sure you moisturise the strands well. We would suggest you apply a hydrating hair mask at least 24 to 48 hours before you colour your hair.
12. Go Slow with the Processing Time.
Do not rush to get a shower so soon. Strictly follow the guidelines as mentioned behind the sachet of the colour. Always adhere to the directions and wait patiently throughout the processing time.
13. Opt for a Patch Test.
This is totally mandatory before you proceed with colouring your hair. Just apply the colour solution behind your ears and wait for 24 hours. In case you feel irritation, swelling, or rashes on your skin, drop your idea immediately!
14. Invest in Products That Nurture Your Coloured Locks.
Do not hesitate to splurge in hair care products that keep your hair well-nourished after getting them coloured. You need to invest both time and money in your hair and pamper your locks thoroughly. The products you use should uplift your hair colour, moisturise your hair, and make them look vibrant. No matter what products you choose, they should be sulphate-free and completely organic, like Vasmol's hair care products.
In a Nutshell
Now that you know all about hair colour in detail, make sure you choose the apt shade for yourself. Never forget to get yourself herbal hair colour without ammonia, as it does not harm your precious hair. Keep these pro tips in mind while colouring your hair, and you will surely look no less than a gorgeous diva. Flaunt your coloured hair with total confidence and be the head turner at any event or party.