For Stronger, Healthier and Shinier Black Hair
Nothing comes close to the shine of lustrous, healthy black hair. However, its unique physical structure requires specific hair care techniques. With just a little extra effort and quality time, you, too, can have long and glossy black hair. Here are some hair-care tips you can follow:
1. Be Gentle
You must treat your hair with care and show your hair some love. Use a wide-toothed comb, be gentle in handling your hair and never be in a hurry.
2. Use Hair-care Products for Black Hair
Black hair is usually more delicate and drier than other hair types. Use shampoos, conditioners and hair oils specially formulated for black hair to lock in the moisture and keep your hair healthy. You can also choose ammonia free black hair colour if you want to simply cover grey.
3. Have a Hot Oil Massage
Nothing beats hair care like a good champi! Grab a bottle of hair oil and massage it onto your scalp in light circular motions. The oil will help maintain your hair's natural black colour while the massage boosts hair growth.
4. Condition your Hair
Like your skin, your hair also needs moisturisation. Always use a conditioner after shampooing to seal in the moisture and leaves your hair silky and smooth.
5. Keep it Simple
Balance stylish hairstyles with those that are gentle on your scalps. Tight hair buns or ponytails stress your scalp and roots leading to hair breakage. Instead make a loose bun or braids. The heat from straighteners and curlers makes hair frizzy, and it loses its natural lustre. Either avoid using such styling tools or use them minimally and with the right precautions. If you are thinking of colouring your hair, opt for oil-based hair colour and no ammonia hair colour that will keep your hair safe.
6. Manage your Lifestyle
It is also important to take care of yourself from the inside and outside if you want healthy hair. A healthy and balanced diet, plenty of water and regular exercise are some lifestyle changes you can make to have shiny and lustrous black hair.
So, are you ready to make your black locks healthy and beautiful?