5 Reasons you should use ammonia-free hair colour
Colouring your hair can be a pretty good idea if you like to give it a refreshing change, every now and then. Though apparently, ammonia has been a widely popular ingredient in hair colour products, as it lightens the natural hair pigments, so that your hair strands can better absorb the colour.
However, as one of the top hair colour brands in India, we wish to draw your attention to the fact that ammonia is unsafe and damages your hair shaft. So, if you wish to colour your hair, choose an ammonia-free hair color instead. Here are the reasons that strongly support this stance:
1. It’s gentle
A hair colour without ammonia is gentle on your hair as well as your skin; ammonia can really damage hair quality by making it brittle. You should always take a sensitivity patch test, before you begin colouring your hair.
2. It protects your hair from dryness
Ammonia destroys the natural oils and moisture in your hair to a big degree, thereby ruining the quality of your hair and making it dry. So, if you use a hair color without ammonia, it would enhance your hair quality, thereby making it softer and smoother.
3. It makes your hair look natural, shiny, and well-nourished
Embellishing your hair with a colour can be a satisfying experience, but only if it retains the essence of your hair. An inorganic way of colouring your hair can be easily noticeable to others, since it doesn’t make your hair look natural. Opt for an oil-based hair colour like Super Vasmol 33 Kesh Kala that keeps your hair shiny and well-nourished.
4. It is safe
If one uses hair color with ammonia on a regular basis, the chemical agent starts damaging hair cuticles, thereby preventing moisture retention, which ultimately makes your hair brittle and dry. So, we recommend that you choose a hair color without ammonia because it is safe for your hair, especially an oil based hair colour, so your hair is also well-nourished.
5. It is odourless
Any hair colour product that has ammonia as an ingredient will surely have a pungent odour, which you can sense while applying it. However, that odour can lead to nausea, coughing or throat issues. So, opt for an ammonia-free hair color, since it is odourless.
So, we highly recommend that you opt for hair colour products that do not have ammonia or any other harmful chemical agents. As one of the top hair color brands in India, we offer the safest hair colouring solutions. Explore our range of ammonia-free hair color products!