Busting the most widely believed Hair-related Myths
Since our childhood days, we have heard several hair-related do’s and don’ts. However, it is important to understand that some of these notions are nothing but made-up myths that have been floating around for ages, passed on through generations. This is exactly why many people still believe in some myths which must be busted, so that you can take care of their hair without them in mind.
So, as one of the top hair color brands in India, we have decided to bust the most widely believed myths about hair care, some of which are as follows:
1. Cutting your hair frequently accelerates hair growth.
Cutting your hair frequently doesn’t make your hair grow any faster, because hair growth has nothing to do with hair ends. It grows out of the hair roots; so trimming your hair does not affect the follicles that are responsible for hair growth. However, getting a haircut once every 2-3 months is advised, since it removes split ends.
2. Shampooing your hair frequently leads to hair damage.
This is absolutely false. How frequently you should shampoo your hair depends entirely on your lifestyle, hair texture, and hairstyle. If you have oily hair, you should wash it once every 2-3 days, else dead cells and bacteria can develop on your scalp. However, if you don’t have oily hair, you should wash it whenever it gets greasy.
3. Stress causes hair greying.
If stress was the cause of hair greying, almost everyone with a hectic, difficult life would have grey hair. But, that isn’t true at all. Two major reasons behind the greying of hair are ageing and genetics. As you age, you produce less melanin that’s responsible for your hair colour.
4. Tweezing one strand of grey hair makes two more grow.
This is completely false. Plucking a single strand of grey hair does not lead to the growth of two more, because the greying of hair is either related to an ageing or hereditary issue. However, it should still be avoided, as it leads to scarring or thinning.
5. Styling your hair leads to hair damage.
Not really; it depends on how frequently you style your hair. If you do it occasionally, but while using a heat protectant that protects your hair shaft from the heat coming out of hair tools, such as curlers, rulers, and crimpers, it won’t lead to any damage.
6. Colouring your hair leads to premature hair greying
This is a big fallacy. Colouring your hair doesn’t necessarily lead to hair greying, hair fall, or hair damage - these are the effects of not taking care of your hair. If you keep yourself hydrated, eat a well-balanced diet, and keep your hair well-nourished, your hair will be in excellent condition. Always choose a hair colour without ammonia, like Super Vasmol 33 Kesh Kala, since ammonia causes significant hair damage.
7. Brushing 100 strokes a day keeps your hair healthy.
Brushing your hair gently regularly keeps your hair healthy, as it helps to spread the natural hair oils throughout the scalp. However, 100 strokes a day is too much as it can cause hair damage or hair fall, especially for those with a fine hair texture.
8. Having greasy hair means you should avoid a conditioner.
Greasy hair is a result of excess sebum production from the scalp tissues. And a conditioner has nothing to do with it, making this myth a fallacy, too. However, if you have greasy hair, you need to use a high-end shampoo and conditioner on your hair.
These myths not only sound funny to those who have a profound knowledge of hair health, but can also make you develop an unhealthy hair care routine, thereby ruining the quality of your hair. So, if you want to take care of your hair the right way, keep yourself aware, educated, and shrug off these myths from now on, even if you ever believed any of them in the past.